Folding-Time - Timewave Panorama of Black Rock City

Folding-Time Installation August 12-14, 2002
A Timewave Panorama of Burning Man Showing the Rise and Fall of Black Rock City

Playa Sunrise
August 14: Sunrise about 6 AM on the Playa, looking towards Black Rock City.

Wiring the Tower
August 14: Left: After sleeping on the playa, Shaun begins at sunrise. Right: Shaun and Timothy complete the tower wiring.

Raising the Camera Tower
August 14: Left: Erecting the 25 ft camera tower. Center: Adjusting the camera module from the cherry picker. Right: Matthew, Timothy and Davis adjust the cameras.

The Camera Tower
August 14: Left: Looking down on the tower with solar panels. Center: Matthew Linsday will be servicing the cameras. Right: Camera module with Black Rock City in the background.

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Robert Henrikson, PO Box 909, Hana, HI 96713 USA • 808.264.8184 •